四万ブルーカレー / Shima Blue Curry / 2022
Where does creativity and originality emerge from? Is it born only from solitude? Or is it born only by destroying existing rules? For example, it may exist in the tedious paperwork to be submitted to a government office. It may exist in the process of businessmen creating money. Whether it is art or not, there is infinite creativity lurking in everything. What we see may be only a small part of the "creativity" that lurks there.
I would like to propose Shima Blue Curry to the people of this town, which has Shima Onsen hot springs.
四万ブルーの美しい青を再現することも重要です。再現のために食用色素ブリリアントブルーFCF(通称:青色1号)を用います。一部の食用タール系と呼ばれる合成着色料は、人体への影響を理由に2008年に英国食品基準庁 (FSA) がメーカーへ自主規制を勧告しましたが、その後欧州食品安全庁 (EFSA) が「イギリスの研究ではそのような基準を設定できない」と発表し、両者の見解が食い違う事態が発生しています。またロチェスター大学医療センターの神経科学者Maiken Nedergaard氏は「米国では1人が1日におよそ14ミリグラムの青色1号を摂取しています。青い食品には何にでも入っている。米国では年間1億ポンド(およそ4500万キログラム)が食べられており、毒性がないことは証明されている」と語っています。JECFA(FAO/WHO合同食品添加物専門家会議)の基準によると、一日摂取許容量(ADI)はともに体重1kg当たり6mgとされています。また、食用色素ブリリアントブルーFCFには神経の炎症を抑え、脊髄の損傷の治療に効果があると言われています。副作用は治療の経過で全身が青色に染まってしまうことです。
I propose "Shima Blue Curry" as a new gourmet food!
From the time of the Lascaux murals to the present day, the act of "expression" has always had the intention of conveying something. In the contemporary art world, it is common to convey the artist's thoughts and philosophy in a form. As a form of art, I propose a new specialty (content) that will generate profit for Nakanojo Town.
The content would be appropriate in the form of B-class gourmet food. The economic ripple effect of Fujinomiya Yakisoba (Fujinomiya Yakisoba Society), which won the Gold Grand Prix at the "B-1 Grand Prix," is analogously estimated at 43.9 billion yen. This economic effect continues to this day, and it is expected to become a content that continuously brings economic benefits to the region.
The motif for the dish will be curry, considering its ease of reproduction in ordinary restaurants and its high penetration among the general public. Adding wild vegetables and edible flowers as ingredients and garnishes will also increase the economic ripple effect on the local community. Curry first entered Japan during the Meiji period (1868-1912), but if we trace the origin of curry back to the East India Company's expansion into East Asia in the 18th century, curry spread throughout the world. The East India Company had a private army of 260,000 men, twice the size of the British army at the time, and controlled various parts of East Asia. They probably ate curry in the places in East Asia under their control.
It is also important to reproduce the beautiful blue of Shima Blue. To reproduce it, we use the food dye Brilliant Blue FCF (commonly known as Blue No. 1). In 2008, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) of the United Kingdom recommended that manufacturers voluntarily regulate some synthetic food colorings called edible tars due to their effects on the human body. The two parties' views differ. Maiken Nedergaard, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester Medical Center, added, "One person in the United States consumes approximately 14 milligrams of blue #1 per day. It is in everything that is blue food. According to JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) standards, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) is 6 mg per kilogram of body weight. The food dye Brilliant Blue FCF is also said to be effective in reducing nerve inflammation and treating spinal cord injuries. The side effect is that the whole body turns blue over the course of treatment.
Let us also consider the relationship between food and art. It is hard to disagree that the most representative performance of recent years that comes to mind when one hears the words "food and art" is the performance given by Rirkrit Tiravanija. On the other hand, the relationship between art and food in society is often based on certain interests. Museums have facilities for eating and drinking at a high rate, art festivals introduce local eateries, and food culture events are always held to create a "special experience." The "food" content allows art to appeal to a wider audience, and the use of art in food can create a "special experience."
Art cannot exist by itself. Even so, art should be able to continue to exist in the world in some form or another. As it has always been.
989年/日向守碓氷貞光が現在の中之条町に来訪。 どこからともなく現れた童子から神託を得た後、湧出する温泉を見つけたという
1849年/日本に入ってきた鄭仁山なる人物によって編まれた英語学習書『華英通語』道光本に「架厘 curry」の表記がある
1860年/福沢諭吉『増訂華英通語』誤訳集にて「Curry コルリ」と表記される
2008年/食用色素ブリリアントブルーFCF(青色1号)について、英国食品基準庁 (FSA) がメーカーへ自主規制を勧告。その後、欧州食品安全庁 (EFSA) が「イギリスの研究ではそのような基準を設定できない」と発表。
2009年/食用色素ブリリアントブルーFCFに神経の炎症を引き起こす主要プロセスを遮断する効果があることが判明。 同時に脊髄が青色に染まってしまう副作用も判明
Around 64,000 BC/ Red ladder-like patterns and cow-like designs were painted in the La Pasiega Cave in Spain.
Around 8th century/ Tamuramaro Sakagami bathed in hot springs in the area of 40,000 in present-day Nakanojo Town.
In 989/Hinata-no-Morimitsu Usui Sadamitsu came to the present Nakanojo Town. Legend has it that he found a hot spring after receiving an oracle from a child who appeared out of nowhere.
In 1563, Garcia da Horta, who went to India as a physician for the vice governor of India, published a book titled "Dialogue on Indian Medicinal Herbs and Medicinal Products" and described curry for the first time. In the same year, Iwato Castle was destroyed by the Kai Takeda clan. Jingoro Tamura stays in present-day Shima Onsen to protect Saito, the lord of Iwato Castle.
1600/England establishes the East India Company.
1849/ The English learning book "Hua Ying Tongo" compiled by Zheng Jinshan, who entered Japan, mentions "fictitious curry" in the book.
1860: "Curry koruri" is written in the mistranslation of Yukichi Fukuzawa's "Zoso Hua Ei Tongo" (The Revised Common Era of Chinese and English).
1905/Japan's first domestically produced curry powder goes on sale
1928/Blue No. 1 (Brilliant Blue FCF) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1941: Outbreak of the Pacific War. Curry disappeared from the dinner table, but only curry powder for military use continued to be manufactured.
1945/Oriental in Nagoya launched Oriental Instant Curry, a powdered instant curry roux.
1954/Shima Onsen was recognized as the first "National Recreational Hot Spring Resort" by the Ministry of the Environment. In the same year, SB Foods launches Japan's first solid curry roux.
1960s: Tar dye, which had been designated as a food additive, is found to be carcinogenic.
1990's/Rikrit Tiravanija gave a performance serving Thai curry.
1998 Nicolas Briault published "The Aesthetics of Relationships
1999/Shimangawa Dam completed
2006/B-1 Grand Prix held
2008: The Food Standards Agency (FSA) of the U.K. recommended that manufacturers voluntarily regulate the use of the food dye Brilliant Blue FCF (Blue No. 1). Subsequently, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced that "UK research does not allow us to set such a standard. The following year, the food dye Brilliant Blue FCF was found to be effective in blocking a key process that causes nerve inflammation. At the same time, side effects were found to cause the spinal cord to turn blue
2010/European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes a scientific opinion on the re-evaluation of Brilliant Blue FCF as a food additive.
2017/Started using the Shima Blue name
2022/Shima Blue Curry is proposed